Saturday, April 8, 2017


Part of the problem for Bale is that he plays at the same time as Messi – who re-affirmed so brilliantly against City on Wednesday evening that he could well be the greatest player of all-time – and in the same team as Ronaldo who is challenging the Argentinean.

The fact is that Bale will probably not fulfil his potential until either he or Ronaldo leave Real Madrid. And he does not want to leave.

Right now it is more likely that Ronaldo will go. The Real president Florentino Perez has invested so much in Bale and could not contain his delight at the Welshman’s two goals against Levante last weekend, his first in nine games with the pressure and criticism growing. Perez duly made it clear that there was no way the player was going anywhere.

Ronaldo’s reaction to one of those goals – the frustration he showed that his attempted bicycle kick had not gone in being far greater than his celebration of Bale volleying the loose ball into the net – was revealing. His actions say it all.

So part of the problem for Bale is his relationship with Ronaldo - not because it is bad but because there really is not much of a relationship. The pair are friendly but not friends. There is no chemistry between them and there never would be from the moment Bale signed for Real Madrid and the club refused to disclose it was for a world-record fee – for fear of upsetting Ronaldo whose £80million signing from United it had eclipsed.
Ronaldo also earned a new contract, much to United’s frustration, as it left them feeling they had been used for just that purpose. If Ronaldo wants to return to United this summer then it appears he will have to make more of the running than his former club.

Bale appears to have detached himself from the circus around Ronaldo and concentrated on his own development. Last season ended triumphantly for Bale with 22 goals in 44 matches including that exhilarating run and finish against Barcelona in the Copa del Rey and the vital goal in extra-time that won the Champions League Final against Atletico Madrid.

This season has undoubtedly been more of a struggle but only of late and only through the prism of a team that has also faltered and is geared towards servicing Ronaldo. It also can be no coincidence that Bale’s return to goal-scoring coincided with Luka Modric, his former Tottenham Hotspur team-mate and a player who knows how to provide for him, recovering from being out for three months injured.

Sometimes it is forgotten that even the best players in the world can only thrive in a team sport like football if they receive the right service from their team-mates.

Bale is low-maintenance – as the episode with the round of golf showed – and is enjoying life in Madrid. His family has settled also and he has worked a way of ensuring he can keep a life back in Wales along with one in Spain.

But he has challenges. Challenges at his club and challenges at gaining the recognition he deserves. But we possess in a footballing superstar who is British – a 'crack', to use that Spanish term that was raised by City manager Manuel Pellegrini during the week – and one who could become the first player from these shores to win the Ballon d’Or since it integrated with the Fifa World Player of the Year.

Michael Owen was the last British Ballon d’Or winner back in 2001 but who was the last player to have the ability to excite that Bale possesses?
Bale will be 26 in July and is yet to reach his prime. Messi is 28 in June while Ronaldo is already 30. There is an incredible opportunity for Bale in the next two or three years if he can take it - which is what he wants.
And if he does then it is something we should all relish once we recognise what an outstanding player he already is.


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